Compostable Vs Disposable Cutlery- What is the difference and which one is Environment Friendly
Do you prefer using the compostable cutlery in parties, events and other such occasions? No?
Well, you must start using the Compostable Cutlery now to help the environment. The environment safety has become the key concern in last few years with the increased level of air and water pollution across India. If we will protect the environment and atmosphere, it will protect us. The vice versa of this is also true and practical.
Disposable Vs Compostable
However, wait a minute; does u really understand what Compostable products mean? Well, if ‘not sure’ is your answer, this post is for you. The term ‘Compostable’ is not same as disposable. People often confuse between the two terms and consider them as same, which is not true. Disposable not necessarily is environment friendly, but compostable surely is.
The Compostable Plastics or other such products, come with an added feature, i.e. they discharge precious nutrients into the soil, aiding the development of trees and plants. There is another term called Biodegradable. The Biodegradable products are those which dismantle in the form of carbon dioxide, water, and biomass within sometime in the natural atmosphere. The compostable products are also biodegradable, but come with an added feature of releasing precious nutrients in the environment.
Buy and use Compostable Cutlery only
Hence, by buying the Compostable or Eco Friendly Tableware, you are in a way supporting and protecting the natural environment. These are small things but are quite essential in terms of environment safety and protection. When you buy disposable cutlery, make certain that it is compostable as well.
Cosmos Eco friends –the leading manufacturer of Compostable Cutlery
Cosmos Eco friends is one of the top manufacturers, importers, and suppliers of a wide range of biodegradable and disposable products for the food and hospitality market which are eco friendly.
Usage of Biodegradable crockery
When you are using the environment friendly Biodegradable cutlery, it helps you and the environment multiple ways. First of all, if you use econ friendly products in your kitchen or for compostable Packaging, it saves your time and efforts in washing the plates, bowls, etc.
You can simply use and throw compostable products in the proper garbage bin and hence, your time and effort in washing the utensils is saved. Moreover, Eco friendly products decrease pollution and waste, need less energy and water to manufacture; come from renewable resources, are created from waste products, hence, it saves biodiversity and environment.
Visit the website of Cosmos Eco friends to choose wide range of Compostable products
You can visit the website of Cosmos Eco friends to explore the extensive array of biodegradable cutlery and other products to order the best ones. Eco Friendly Tableware offers multiple biodegradable products, i.e. biodegradable cutlery, Bagasse products, Cornstarch products, Food trays, Hospitality products (i.e. toothbrush, combs, Dental Kit, Hygiene Box, etc.), and also the shopping bags, bio-hazard bags, garbage bags, etc. You can order these entire eco-friendly products at reasonable price from Cosmos Eco friends.