Save Your Country Save Yourself: Reduce Plastic And Increase Use of Biodegradable Products
*Our country is getting polluted day by day with more harmful effects on nature and human being. Every year tons of waste is created but only a few of it gets disposed.
*The major cause of pollution is plastic and plastic products but saying that plastic itself is a cause of pollution is definitely wrong as about 27% of plastic bottles get recycled for again using while the other gets buried into landfills where these plastic bottles can decompose after years.
*Not only our roads, lands, and air are polluted but every year more than 1 lakh of marine animals die due to this plastic pollution in oceans and water bodies.
*Even after knowing these bad impacts of pollution we are not doing anything against it instead we are the cause of more pollution. We all are aware of Eco-Friendly Disposable Products but hardly anyone bothers to use them only 2% of the entire population uses disposable Eco-Friendly Disposable Products which do not cause harm to our environment.
*There are many companies which are working in this field of saving our environment from getting polluted and getting the problem to worsen by making Eco-friendly products.
- *There are many companies which are working in this field of saving our environment from getting polluted and getting the problem to worsen by making Eco-friendly products.
*We just have to take a simple step in favor of our nature which gives us life just reduce the use of plastic and other pollution-causing items on behalf of them we should raise our hands for choosing Eco-friendly products which will eliminate the plastic waste in your area.
#Increase Use of Biodegradable Products
*Double-minded people thought that what will happen if they alone reduce the use of plastic others will still use but we know that one can change the whole world, a single step can take you to the heights of success similarly your single efforts can reduce lots of pollution from your own environment.
* There are various things which we can change like instead of plastic bags we can choose paper bags, biodegradable bags, instead of using plastic cans we can opt for biodegradable food containers which can be disposed of easily after use.
*Are you going to throw a party or planning to do one but wait are you aware of the waste which will be caused by the party or has you planned anything about it your answer is No! But why? We read this slogan a lot of times in our life Say no to plastic but still, we use it.
*As now in this technical world, there are various alternatives to plastic than why can’t we use them. It will save your earth and make your life longer if our environment will remain pollution free.
* our most of the literate society is living in urban areas and it is very disappointing news that most of the harmful waste come from such societies.
*The most important part of any house is kitchen from where all household work is start and end. In most of the urban kitchen, we can see plastic cutlery or are kept to use during a rainy day or during any party event etc.
*while this plastic cutlery is very harmful to our environment because they do not get disposed easily, therefore, we are introducing Cornstarch Cutlery which is biodegradable in nature and does not cause any harm to our environment.
*This biodegradable cutlery is formed by the byproducts of renewable bamboo, sugarcane or wheat straw etc which are Eco-friendly in nature and serves as the best alternative to plastic items.